Adithya Data Science and ML Projects

anomalous activity detection in surviellance videos


This code requires you have Keras 2 and TensorFlow 1 or greater installed. Please see the requirements.txt file. To ensure you’re up to date, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You must also have ffmpeg installed in order to extract the video files. If ffmpeg isn’t in your system path (ie. which ffmpeg doesn’t return its path, or you’re on an OS other than *nix), you’ll need to update the path to ffmpeg in data/

Getting the data

First, download the dataset from UCF into the data folder:`

Then extract it with unrar e filename.rar.

Next, create folders (still in the data folder) with mkdir train && mkdir test && mkdir sequences && mkdir checkpoints.

Now you can run the scripts in the data folder to move the videos to the appropriate place, extract their frames and make the CSV file the rest of the code references. You need to run these in order. Example:



Extracting features

Before you can run the lstm and mlp, you need to extract features from the images with the CNN. This is done by running On my Dell with a GeFore 960m GPU, this takes about 8 hours. If you want to limit to just the first N classes, you can set that option in the file.

Training models

The CNN-only method (method #1 in the blog post) is run from

The rest of the models are run from There are configuration options you can set in that file to choose which model you want to run.

The models are all defined in Reference that file to see which models you are able to run in

Training logs are saved to CSV and also to TensorBoard files. To see progress while training, run tensorboard --logdir=data/logs from the project root folder.

Methods used

Creating the Model.

  1. Move all the videos to structured folders
  2. Split the data into train and test sets
  3. Extract frames(images) from videos
  4. Select 40 keyframes for each video

    Model 1

  5. Extract features using topless inception v3

    Model 2

  6. Extract features using topless mobilenet
  7. Save the features as npy files
  8. Train rnn on npy files
  9. Save the Rnn model

    Deploy the Model

  10. For new video extract 40 frames
  11. Pass frames through topless inceptionv3 to extract features
  12. Pass features throught rnn model to get the prediction

screeshot of the output

Demo/Using models

UCF101 Citation

This project was done as a part of final year capstone project at vit. This project is based on the repository which uses UCF101 dataset. My project builds on this repository by using a related but different algorithm on a different dataset to achieve multi class video classification.